Hancock Renovation South Shore MA

Hancock Renovation South Shore Remodeling Services in Easton, Massachusetts

Elevate Your Easton Home with Our Expert Renovation and Remodeling Services

Incorporated in 1725, Easton is a medium-sized town in southeastern Massachusetts. The Town of Easton is situated 30 minutes from Boston, 45 minutes from Providence, and 45 minutes of Cape Cod. With 25,105 people and five constituent districts, Easton is the 82nd largest town in Massachusetts.

Easton is mostly a residential community, but in the last 10 years, it has undergone some positive improvements. The latest development is two major shopping plazas, which provide residents with the luxury of shopping at major retailers.

There are three supermarkets, accessible from any portion of the town. The Easton Industrial Park is situated off Route 24. Easton also has an active and lively small business center. A variety of restaurants give the residents good dining options with diverse ethnic traditions as well.

South Shore Home Renovations Services in Easton MA

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Quick History

Easton marked its 250th Anniversary in 1975. Unfortunately, at that time much of Easton’s history wasn’t known outside the town. It is only recently that the town’s history is getting the national acknowledgment it deserves. Five buildings in Easton were designed by the famous architect, Henry Hobson Richardson. One of those buildings, the North Easton Railroad Station, is on the National Register of Historic Places.

Easton is also home to Borderland State Park, a history and nature preserve. At the center of the park is the Ames Mansion, which was built in 1910. Tours of the mansion are typically held on Sundays during April and May.

Borderland is approximately 1,850 acres and contains over 20 miles of trails for hiking and mountain biking. Other activities include canoeing, fishing, ice skating, and sledding.


Borderland State Park in Easton MA Home Remodel Service Area
Borderland State Park Trail

Hancock Renovation South Shore

Are you ready to finally do the home renovation project you’ve always wanted to do? When you need the assistance and expertise of home remodeling specialists, call us at Hancock Renovation South Shore.

Hancock Renovation South Shore consists of remodeling experts with skills who always operate together and accomplish the unanimous intention of the company – meeting every client’s needs.

Whether you’re ready to transform your basement into the recreation room of your dreams, or you want to update the appearance of your bathroom, you can trust that Hancock Renovation South Shore can help you develop your ideas. 

We are a full-service home renovation company and a design-build contractor. We promise that we will be with you from the first design to the ultimate walk-through. During the renovation, you can have an experienced and competent team on your side, willing to serve you with the process ahead.

Are you ready to remodel your property into the home of your dreams? Call Hancock Renovation South Shore at 781-512-6122 to discuss ideas for your home renovation.

Interested in a home remodeling project?

Create a more beatiful and functional home. Get in touch with us